Definition : Escape of blood from blood vessels is known as haemorrhage. Example Hemothorax.
- Trauma
- Coagulation disorder
- Vascular disease
- Neoplastic invasion
A) On the basis of duration
1. Primary hemorrhage
- During the operation , surgery , trauma.
2. Reactionary hemorrhage
- Bleeding within 24 hours is called reactionary hemorrhage.
- E.g. Thyroidectomy
- It is due to slippage and high blood pressure
3. Secondary haemorrhage
- Haemorrhage after 7 days of medical procedure.
- Due to infection
B) On the basis of morphology
Bleeding from Capillary Venous Artery
- capillary -vein. -artery
- oozing. -spontaneously -jet
like bleeding
-bright. - Dark , - Bright ,
, red red red
C) On the basis of exposure
1. External haemorrhage revealed
- can be seen from outside
- easy to control
2. Internal haemorrhage
- haemorrhage cannot be seen from outside.
- GI haemorrhage , Brain haemorrhage etc.
D)On the basis of severity Grade
I Mild <15% haemorrhage
II Moderate < 15-30% haemorrhage
III Severe <30-40% haemorrhage
IV Very severe <40% haemorrhage
- CT (clotting time) , BT (bleeding time)
- Coagulation profile
- Hb percentage
- Tight bandage / Thumb pressure
- Suturing
- Maintain the vital sign : TBRBP ( temperature , pulse , respiray , and blood pressure)
- Intravenous line open
- Blood transfusion
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